Thursday, October 2, 2014

Music Sheet Shot List

  1. Wide Shot of Gena at piano
  2. mid shot of gena at piano
  3. overhead close up of hands playing the piano (over shoulder)
  4. 2nd shot of hands playing piano
  5. close up of her singing
  6. still shot of sheet music
  7. produce a credits sequence
  8. title sequence
Site visit and planning
Schedule Dr. Puvey to play 
Class time tuesday

Limestone Happenings QR code

We are supporting an event, Limestone Happenings, on Friday October 3rd. Students will tour the college and will be given information about the programs in the arts and letters division here at Limestone College. During and after students finish their visit, they will be able to post photos, videos, etc about what they found interesting, and they will share it on social media through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. This QR code below allows all students to find and share info that they wish to save.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Interview Live Blog Notes

Live Blog Notes

Rule of Thirds

180 Degree Rule- Always remember to keep a visual line in your mind while shooting, either 180 degrees above or below the focus.

Staging an Interview- Lighting, Composition, Framing. Most interviews are composed of two people, the host and the subject.
Nose Room- leave space in front of nose
Head Room- no space needed above head, compose shot so eyes are 2/3 from top of frame. (rule of thirds)
Compose so that subject isn't breaking frame while talking. Try not to shoot subjects hands
Think about background and environment behind subject.

Interview Tips- Do your homework on subject and possibly do a pre interview. Have questions written on paper before hand to keep from embarrassing your subject. Think like a journalist- Don't ask yes or no questions. Be sure you have good transitions. Subject needs to focus on you, not the camera lens.

Take several take away shots and B-Roll shots to add or edit later after the interview.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Premier Pro Baseball Project

This project was slightly difficult but very enjoyable. I never used the software before and had no experience with video editing. I look forward to learning more about the program and how I can progress in this field. (High Res) (Low Res)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Michael Welch Interview

I learned a lot from watching the Michael Welch video in class. I was never aware of the background of YouTube or how much it has grown. I remember the early days of the site and how cool I thought it was to be able to search practically any music video or any professional athlete's highlight reel. One point that I found interesting was the statement, "YouTube has grown to be more of a mass media than a social media". I completely agree with that quote because it really evolved to the level of Facebook and twitter.